Yes, you must do this (if either Q or L are present on your channel).
Each bot has their own Q auth, and adding the bot with +ao to Q/L is required. This way, the bot will remain opped and has a better chance of being able to help. The whole point in the bots is to protect your channel and provide more functions which channel operators may require, and the bots will be useless if they are deoped.
Each bot has their own Q auth, and adding the bot with +ao to Q/L is required. This way, the bot will remain opped and has a better chance of being able to help. The whole point in the bots is to protect your channel and provide more functions which channel operators may require, and the bots will be useless if they are deoped.
We do not require a certain amount of opped users in your channel to get a bot.
No. We will choose bot admins if/when they are needed. Do not ask, you will just be told no.
No, QuakeNet have rules about getting L/Q so that a channel wont just get L/Q to stop others from using it!
We respect QuakeNet's rules, and as such do not permit our bots being used as idle bots.
We respect QuakeNet's rules, and as such do not permit our bots being used as idle bots.
No sorry, at the moment the script is closed source.
In the future we do plan on open sourcing it under the ZLIB license.
In the future we do plan on open sourcing it under the ZLIB license.
No sorry, the botnames are global, and because these bots are used by more people than just you, it wouldn't be fair to change the name of the bots to suit you.
Just do:
/invite DF-[name] #channel
Replacing DF-[name] with a voiced bot in #DFBots (all bots start with DF-) and replacing #channel with your channel name.
The bot will join and do some preliminary checks on the channel. If the checks pass, the bot will stay (with a blackmark limit of 1) until an admin comes to confirm/reject the request.
Confirmed channels get the blackmark limit increased to 3.
The preliminary checks check various things such as the presence of bots from other known bot providers. If such a bot is found, the request will fail.
/invite DF-[name] #channel
Replacing DF-[name] with a voiced bot in #DFBots (all bots start with DF-) and replacing #channel with your channel name.
The bot will join and do some preliminary checks on the channel. If the checks pass, the bot will stay (with a blackmark limit of 1) until an admin comes to confirm/reject the request.
Confirmed channels get the blackmark limit increased to 3.
The preliminary checks check various things such as the presence of bots from other known bot providers. If such a bot is found, the request will fail.
Just click the commands button at the top of the page, or click here.
Blackmarks are a form of punishment. They are based on a 3 strike system.
You gain blackmarks if you:
Once you reach 3 blackmarks, your channel will be suspended for at least 24 hours, after which time the bot will automatically rejoin the channel (the bot may rejoin anytime from 24 hours to 25 hours, after the 3rd blackmark).
This will happen twice.
The thrid time you reach 3 blackmarks (eg 9 in total) the channel will be blacklisted and removed. See the "What is blacklisting?" FAQ for more details on this.
You gain blackmarks if you:
- Deop the bot
- Kick the bot
- Ban the bot
- Leave the bot deopped for more than 30 mins (the bot checks every 15 mins)
- Do not give the bot access on L/Q after 30 mins (The bot checks every 15 mins)
Once you reach 3 blackmarks, your channel will be suspended for at least 24 hours, after which time the bot will automatically rejoin the channel (the bot may rejoin anytime from 24 hours to 25 hours, after the 3rd blackmark).
This will happen twice.
The thrid time you reach 3 blackmarks (eg 9 in total) the channel will be blacklisted and removed. See the "What is blacklisting?" FAQ for more details on this.
Your channel may become blacklisted if you:
Blacklisting prevents a bot from joining your channel.
Admins can also blacklist channels either temporarily (48 hours) or permanently.
To find out why your channel was blacklisted, use the command /msg BOT check #channel
Any bot can show blacklisting reasons.
- Fail a request (48 hour blacklist)
- Reach 3 blackmarks, 3 times (permanent blacklist)
Blacklisting prevents a bot from joining your channel.
Admins can also blacklist channels either temporarily (48 hours) or permanently.
To find out why your channel was blacklisted, use the command /msg BOT check #channel
Any bot can show blacklisting reasons.
Getting an account with DFBots is just like getting one with Q.
To get an account, you must do /msg DFBots hello user@host.com user@host.com
Replacing user@host.com with your email address.
You will then receive your password via email, and instructions telling you how to auth, and how to change your password.
To get an account, you must do /msg DFBots hello user@host.com user@host.com
Replacing user@host.com with your email address.
You will then receive your password via email, and instructions telling you how to auth, and how to change your password.
No sorry, we are not part of QuakeNet.
To get L you need to use:
/msg O requestl #channel
To get Q you need to use:
/msg R requestq #channel
To get L you need to use:
/msg O requestl #channel
To get Q you need to use:
/msg R requestq #channel