accesscheck |
- Check channels which bot has +o access on
- takes one param [all|yes|no] - defaults to "no"
- "No" shows channels with no access
- "Yes" shows channels with access
- "All" shows all channels
A |
acheck |
- Check channels which bot has +o access on
- takes one param [all|yes|no] - defaults to "no"
- "No" shows channels with no access
- "Yes" shows channels with access
- "All" shows all channels
A |
bcast |
- Send a broadcast. - broadcast [#chan/botname/all] [message] - if arg1 is unregognised, all is assumed and it will be included in the message
A |
blacklist |
- Add/Del/View/Prune blacklist information. Syntax: blacklist [add/!add/del/remove/info/view/prune] #chan
- !add will add a perm blacklist - add will add a 24hr blacklist.
A |
blackmark |
- Chlimit/remove/get blackmark information. Syntax: blackmark [chlimit/remove/del/clear/info/view] #chan [limit]
A |
blackmarks |
- Chlimit/remove/get blackmark information. Syntax: blackmark [chlimit/remove/del/clear/info/view] #chan [limit]
A |
botcheck |
- Check for bots in channels.
A |
broadcast |
- Send a broadcast. - broadcast [#chan/botname/all] [message] - if arg1 is unregognised, all is assumed and it will be included in the message
A |
chanlist |
- Make the bot list channels and which service they have
A |
checkbotnet |
- Check the status of the botnet.
A |
chpass |
- Change the password for a handle. chpass handle
- This will email the user a new password
A |
cmdsite |
- Generate an updated version of the commands site.
- This does the exact same as the daily generation
A |
convert |
- Convert from one currency to another
A |
dccme |
- Make the bot initiate a DCC Chat with you
L |
doauth |
- Make the bot auth to the auth service
A |
find |
- Find a specified target - find [chan(nel)|hand(le)|nick|user] [target]
- If the first arg is not regognised, user is assumed and the target is set to the 1st arg (2nd arg ignored)
A |
gencmdsite |
- Generate an updated version of the commands site.
- This does the exact same as the daily generation
A |
info |
- Return user/channel information.
A |
ipdata |
- Provides information about IP Addresses
A |
join |
- Make a bot join a channel - this bypasses the request system
A |
matchtld |
- Find the first 10 matching TLDs
* |
part |
- Make a bot leave a channel - this bypasses the request system
A |
rehash |
- Make a bot reload its script list
A |
rehasherror |
- Make the bot say the last rehash-related error
A |
requestop |
- Request ops on all channels where bot is not opped.
A |
requests |
A |
search |
- Find a specified target - find [chan(nel)|hand(le)|nick|user] [target]
- If the first arg is not regognised, user is assumed and the target is set to the 1st arg (2nd arg ignored)
A |
servermodes |
- Make the bot list known server modes
A |
suspendchan |
A |
suspenduser |
A |
tld |
- Find out where a tld is from
* |
unsuspendchan |
A |
unsuspenduser |
A |
unwikiban |
- Reallow a handle to edit the wiki.
A |
wikiban |
- Prevent a handle from editing the wiki.
A |