Commands List
You can use a public command by saying the following things on a channel:
Here is a full listing of commands
Below is a list of the different command categories for public commands. Some commands may be in multiple categories.
Please choose a category:
Below is a list of the different command categories for /msg commands. Some commands may be in multiple categories.
Please choose a category:
Time Taken: 2.069 Seconds
- DF Command
- BOTNAME Command
- !Command
- BOTNAME Command
Here is a full listing of commands
Below is a list of the different command categories for public commands. Some commands may be in multiple categories.
Please choose a category:
- access
- admin
- blacklist
- blackmarks
- chanaccess
- chanban
- chancontrol
- chanmaster
- chanmode
- chanop
- chansetting
- chanvoice
- check
- errorinfo
- globalaccess
- help
- info
- owner
- request
- stats
- topic
Below is a list of the different command categories for /msg commands. Some commands may be in multiple categories.
Please choose a category:
Time Taken: 2.069 Seconds