-ban |
- Make the bot unban a hostmask on a channel
A|o |
public |
accesscheck |
- Check channels which bot has +o access on
- takes one param [all|yes|no] - defaults to "no"
- "No" shows channels with no access
- "Yes" shows channels with access
- "All" shows all channels
A |
public |
acheck |
- Check channels which bot has +o access on
- takes one param [all|yes|no] - defaults to "no"
- "No" shows channels with no access
- "Yes" shows channels with access
- "All" shows all channels
A |
public |
addbot |
- Add a bot to the hub and atttempt to link it
O |
public |
addtopic |
- Add to the end of the current topic
A|o |
public |
adduser |
- Give a user access - Syntax: adduser/moduser <user> <type>
L |
public |
admin |
* |
public |
ban |
- Make the bot ban a hostmask on a channel
- Syntax: ban host [time] [(!!)reason] | Time can be number of minutes, "perm", "def" (use channel default), or one of the presets listed below. If reason starts with !! the ban is "sticky" (stays on chan ban list, not just internal ban list)
- Valid Time-Presets are T1-T9 (Month is classed as 30 days)
- T1 -> 1 minute | T2 -> 5 minutes | T3 -> 15 minutes
- T4 -> 30 minutes | T5 -> 1 hour | T6 -> 1 day
- T7 -> 1 week | T8 -> 1 month | T9 -> 1 year (365d)
A|o |
public |
banlist |
- Show detailed information about channel bans
A|o |
public |
banpart |
- ban the last user to part
- Same syntax as ban, but without the host param. (Host is set to nick!*@host)
A|o |
public |
bantime |
- Change the default ban time. Follows the same rules as the time param for Ban
A|o |
public |
bcast |
- Send a broadcast. - broadcast [#chan/botname/all] [message] - if arg1 is unregognised, all is assumed and it will be included in the message
A |
public |
blacklist |
- Add/Del/View/Prune blacklist information. Syntax: blacklist [add/!add/del/remove/info/view/prune] #chan
- !add will add a perm blacklist - add will add a 24hr blacklist.
A |
public |
blackmark |
- Chlimit/remove/get blackmark information. Syntax: blackmark [chlimit/remove/del/clear/info/view] #chan [limit]
A |
public |
blackmarks |
- Chlimit/remove/get blackmark information. Syntax: blackmark [chlimit/remove/del/clear/info/view] #chan [limit]
A |
public |
botcheck |
- Check for bots in channels.
A |
public |
broadcast |
- Send a broadcast. - broadcast [#chan/botname/all] [message] - if arg1 is unregognised, all is assumed and it will be included in the message
A |
public |
chanflags |
- See /msg BOT chanflags #CHANNEL help
A|m |
public |
changetopic |
- Changes a section of the topic (Sections are split according to the "splitter")
A|o |
public |
chanlist |
- Make the bot list channels and which service they have
A |
public |
chanset |
- See /msg BOT chansset #CHANNEL help
- Valid settings are: plusmodes, minusmodes, flags, flood, modes, welcome
A|m |
public |
checkbotnet |
- Check the status of the botnet.
A |
public |
chgtopic |
- Changes a section of the topic (Sections are split according to the "splitter")
A|o |
public |
chpass |
- Change the password for a handle. chpass handle
- This will email the user a new password
A |
public |
cleartopic |
A|o |
public |
cmdsite |
- Generate an updated version of the commands site.
- This does the exact same as the daily generation
A |
public |
convert |
- Convert from one currency to another
A |
public |
cycle |
- Make the bot cycle a channel
A|m |
public |
dccme |
- Make the bot initiate a DCC Chat with you
L |
public |
deltopic |
- Delete a section of the topic (Sections are split according to the "splitter")
A|o |
public |
deluser |
- Remove a users access - Syntax: deluser/remuser <user> <type>
L |
public |
deop |
- Make the bot deop you/others on a channel
A|o |
public |
devoice |
- Make the bot devoice you/others on a channel
H|v |
public |
doauth |
- Make the bot auth to the auth service
A |
public |
errorinfo |
- Show output of $::errorInfo
O |
public |
find |
- Find a specified target - find [chan(nel)|hand(le)|nick|user] [target]
- If the first arg is not regognised, user is assumed and the target is set to the 1st arg (2nd arg ignored)
A |
public |
gencmdsite |
- Generate an updated version of the commands site.
- This does the exact same as the daily generation
A |
public |
info |
- Return user/channel information.
A |
public |
inserttopic |
- Add a section to the middle of the topic (Sections are split according to the "splitter")
A|o |
public |
instopic |
- Add a section to the middle of the topic (Sections are split according to the "splitter")
A|o |
public |
invite |
- Make the bot invite users on on a channel
A|v |
public |
ipdata |
- Provides information about IP Addresses
A |
public |
join |
- Make a bot join a channel - this bypasses the request system
A |
public |
key |
- Set/Get/Reset/Remove/force the channel key.
- Syntax: key [get|set|reset|remove|unset] [key]
- 2nd/3rd arguments are optional, will return current key if no arguments passed or is 2nd argument is "get"
- if 2nd arugment is "set", it will set the key to the value of the 3rd argument
- if 2nd arugment is "force", it will set the key to the value of the 3rd argument and prevent mode -k
- if 2nd argument is "reset" it will set the key to the key last set via the bot.
- if 2nd argument is "remove" or "unset" it will remove the key from the channel and its memory.
- If the 2nd arg is not one of the above, the key will be set using the 2nd argument
A|o |
public |
kick |
- Make the bot kick users on a channel
A|o |
public |
lasterror |
- Repeat the last TCL-Error
O |
public |
limit |
- Set/Get/Reset/Remove/Float/force the channel limit.
- Syntax: limit [get|set|reset|remove|unset|float|force|forcefloat] [limit]
- 2nd/3rd arguments are optional, will return current limit if no arguments passed or is 2nd argument is "get"
- if 2nd arugment is "set", it will set the limit to the value of the 3rd argument
- if the 2nd argument is "force" then it will do the same as set, but prevent mode -l
- if 2nd argument is "reset" it will set the limit to the limit last set via the bot.
- if 2nd argument is "remove" or "unset" it will remove the limit from the channel and its memory.
- if the 2nd argument is "float" then the limit will be set to current_users+float every minute
- if the 2nd argument is "forcefloat" then it will do the same as float, but prevent mode -l
- If the 2nd arg is an integer, the limit will be set using the 2nd arg
A|o |
public |
list |
- Get a listing of users
- * List Founder* This lists the DFBots Founders
- * List Boss* This lists the Bot Owners
- * List Admin* This lists the Bot Admins
- * List Helper* This lists the Bot Helpers
- * List Global* This lists all Helpers,Admins,Owners
- * List Owner* This lists the Chan Owners
- * List Master* This lists the Chan Masters
- * List Op* This lists the Chan Ops
- * List Voice* This lists the Chan Voices
- * List Ban* This lists the Chan Bans
- * List AuthBan* This lists the Chan Auth-Bans
- * List All* This lists all users with Chan Access
* |
public |
matchtld |
- Find the first 10 matching TLDs
* |
public |
mode |
- Set channel modes (for permanent settings see /msg chanflags
A|o |
public |
moduser |
- Give a user access - Syntax: adduser/moduser <user> <type>
L |
public |
op |
- Make the bot op you/others on a channel
A|o |
public |
part |
- Make a bot leave a channel - this bypasses the request system
A |
public |
permban |
- Make the bot permanently ban a hostmask on a channel
- Syntax: ban host [(!!)reason] If reason starts with !! the ban is "sticky" (stays on chan ban list, not just internal ban list)
- This is an alias for ban [host] perm [reason]
A|o |
public |
pretopic |
- Add before the current topic
A|o |
public |
redo |
A|o |
public |
rehash |
- Make a bot reload its script list
A |
public |
rehasherror |
- Make the bot say the last rehash-related error
A |
public |
remuser |
- Remove a users access - Syntax: deluser/remuser <user> <type>
L |
public |
requestinfo |
- Get information on requesting
* |
public |
requestop |
- Request ops on all channels where bot is not opped.
A |
public |
requests |
A |
public |
resync |
- Reset the channel topic to what the bot sees it as
-|- |
public |
saytopic |
- State the current known topic
-|- |
public |
search |
- Find a specified target - find [chan(nel)|hand(le)|nick|user] [target]
- If the first arg is not regognised, user is assumed and the target is set to the 1st arg (2nd arg ignored)
A |
public |
servermodes |
- Make the bot list known server modes
A |
public |
setsplitter |
- Set the splitter for the topic sections
A|o |
public |
splitter |
- Set the splitter for the topic sections
A|o |
public |
suspendchan |
A |
public |
suspenduser |
A |
public |
tcl |
- Perform a TCL Command on the bot
O |
public |
tld |
- Find out where a tld is from
* |
public |
topic |
A|o |
public |
topiclock |
- Lock the channel topic so that only Masters/Owner and Services can set it
m|m |
public |
unban |
- Make the bot unban a hostmask on a channel
A|o |
public |
undo |
A|o |
public |
unsuspendchan |
A |
public |
unsuspenduser |
A |
public |
unwikiban |
- Reallow a handle to edit the wiki.
A |
public |
update |
- Update channel statistics for current (or specified - if admin) channels
- Takes one param, "all" - if this is set it will generate by using all log files, not just this month
H|v |
public |
updateall |
- Update channel statistics for ALL channels
- Takes one param, "all" - if this is set it will generate by using all log files, not just this month
A |
public |
version |
- Gives Version information for the bot
* |
public |
voice |
- Make the bot voice you/others on a channel
H|v |
public |
whois |
- Show information about a user
* |
public |
whotopic |
- State who set each section of the topic
-|- |
public |
wikiban |
- Prevent a handle from editing the wiki.
A |
public |
approve |
A |
/msg BOT |
auth |
* |
/msg BOT |
chanflags |
- See /msg BOT chanflags #CHANNEL help
A|m |
/msg BOT |
chanset |
- See /msg BOT chanset #CHANNEL help
- Valid settings are: plusmodes, minusmodes, flags, flood, modes, welcome
A|m |
/msg BOT |
check |
- Get status information on a channel
A |
/msg BOT |
confirm |
A |
/msg BOT |
deauth |
L |
/msg BOT |
deny |
A |
/msg BOT |
deop |
- Make the bot deop you/others on a channel
A|o |
/msg BOT |
devoice |
- Make the bot devoice you/others on a channel
H|v |
/msg BOT |
email |
L |
/msg BOT |
getkey |
- Get the current key for a channel
A|o |
/msg BOT |
hello |
- Create a new account
- Syntax: /msg hello user@host.com user@host.com
* |
/msg BOT |
help |
- Gives help on a specific public command
* |
/msg BOT |
helpmsg |
- Gives help on a specific /msg command
* |
/msg BOT |
invite |
- Invite yourself into a channel
A|o |
/msg BOT |
join |
- Make a bot join a channel
A |
/msg BOT |
list |
- Get a listing of users
- * List Founder* This lists the DFBots Founders
- * List Boss* This lists the Bot Owners
- * List Admin* This lists the Bot Admins
- * List Helper* This lists the Bot Helpers
- * List Global* This lists all Helpers,Admins,Owners
- * List #chan Owner* This lists the Chan Owners
- * List #chan Master* This lists the Chan Masters
- * List #chan Op* This lists the Chan Ops
- * List #chan Voice* This lists the Chan Voices
- * List #chan Ban* This lists the Chan Bans
- * List #chan AuthBan* This lists the Chan Auth-Bans
- * List #chan All* This lists all users with Chan Access
* |
/msg BOT |
login |
* |
/msg BOT |
logout |
L |
/msg BOT |
mailapprove |
- Approve an email address change
L |
/msg BOT |
mailreject |
- Reject an email address change
L |
/msg BOT |
mode |
- Set channel modes (for permanent settings see /msg chanflags)
A|o |
/msg BOT |
msgtype |
- Change how the bot messages you
L |
/msg BOT |
newuser |
- Create a new account
- Syntax: /msg hello user@host.com user@host.com
* |
/msg BOT |
op |
- Make the bot op you/others on a channel
A|o |
/msg BOT |
part |
- Make a bot part a channel
A |
/msg BOT |
pass |
L |
/msg BOT |
reject |
A |
/msg BOT |
reqpass |
- Request your password be emailed to you.
* |
/msg BOT |
requestpassword |
- Request your password be emailed to you.
* |
/msg BOT |
showcommands |
* |
/msg BOT |
status |
- Get status information on a channel
A |
/msg BOT |
version |
- Gives Version information for the bot
* |
/msg BOT |
voice |
- Make the bot voice you/others on a channel
H|v |
/msg BOT |