Welcome to the DFBots website.
You can use a public command by saying the following things on a channel:
- DF Command
- BOTNAME Command
- !Command
chanflags |
- See /msg BOT chanflags #CHANNEL help
A|m |
chanset |
- See /msg BOT chansset #CHANNEL help
- Valid settings are: plusmodes, minusmodes, flags, flood, modes, welcome
A|m |
key |
- Set/Get/Reset/Remove/force the channel key.
- Syntax: key [get|set|reset|remove|unset] [key]
- 2nd/3rd arguments are optional, will return current key if no arguments passed or is 2nd argument is "get"
- if 2nd arugment is "set", it will set the key to the value of the 3rd argument
- if 2nd arugment is "force", it will set the key to the value of the 3rd argument and prevent mode -k
- if 2nd argument is "reset" it will set the key to the key last set via the bot.
- if 2nd argument is "remove" or "unset" it will remove the key from the channel and its memory.
- If the 2nd arg is not one of the above, the key will be set using the 2nd argument
A|o |
limit |
- Set/Get/Reset/Remove/Float/force the channel limit.
- Syntax: limit [get|set|reset|remove|unset|float|force|forcefloat] [limit]
- 2nd/3rd arguments are optional, will return current limit if no arguments passed or is 2nd argument is "get"
- if 2nd arugment is "set", it will set the limit to the value of the 3rd argument
- if the 2nd argument is "force" then it will do the same as set, but prevent mode -l
- if 2nd argument is "reset" it will set the limit to the limit last set via the bot.
- if 2nd argument is "remove" or "unset" it will remove the limit from the channel and its memory.
- if the 2nd argument is "float" then the limit will be set to current_users+float every minute
- if the 2nd argument is "forcefloat" then it will do the same as float, but prevent mode -l
- If the 2nd arg is an integer, the limit will be set using the 2nd arg
A|o |